Welcome to the Center Point for Inspired Living

A holistic wellness center supporting you in body, mind and spirit.


The Center offers a variety of holistic options for creating your inspired life!

Life Coaching
Share your gifts.   Reach your goals.Coaching.html
Purified drinking water.
Alkaline, Structured, Delicious!http://aqualiv.refr.cc/marydavis
Chemical Free Pool Waterhttp://www.chemicalfreepools.us/Chemical_Free_Pool/Welcome.html
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
for home use.Hyperbaric_Oxygen.html

aromatherapy       |       chemical free pool systems       |     personal transformation life coaching

The Center Point for Inspired Living LLC      Tucson AZ      85737      ph/text: 520-425-4034

c2013 Center Point for Inspired Living LLC. All rights reserved.

Relaxing AromatherapyAromatherapy.html